Posada’s mission is to provide housing and supportive services that empower homeless individuals and families in Pueblo County to become self-supporting members of the community.
Elko Family Shelter
Families with children in need are sheltered at Posada’s Elko Family Emergency Shelter in eleven units. This is Pueblo’s ONLY family shelter that keeps a family together in a single family setting to ensure their privacy as they work collectively with a Posada case worker to work towards permanent housing and self-sufficiency. Families are sheltered at Elko Family Emergency Shelter for up to two months as their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing are met.
Supportive Services
A Posada case worker provides referrals to homeless families with children, youth (18-24),veterans, and aging adults 50+ for shelter, food, and reviews options for low-income housing, identifies community resources and programs to obtain self-sufficiency.
Housing Programs
Rapid Re-Housing Program, Posada can assist with rental, medical, food and transportation expenses for one year.
Permanent Supportive Housing, Posada’s Permanent Housing Program addresses the need of housing for homeless families with children and individuals. Clients are provided rent and security deposit assistance to secure stable housing.
Affordable Housing, Posada received a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) designation from the City of Pueblo. Through this designation, Posada is capable of implementing strategic housing development plans to assess and address housing needs in Pueblo County.
Youth Services
Posada Youth Services are focused on developing self-sufficiency skills and working to enable clients to become safely and securely housed. Services include emergency shelter, basic needs support, and case management.
Site: Posada Of Pueblo – Bringing Pueblo Home (posadapueblo.org)
Phone: 719-545-8776 for General Services
Phone: 719-994-2939 Homeless Youth, and Families with Children
Address: 501 Belmont Avenue Pueblo